Sonerai Pictures
Other People's Airplanes
Prototype S-I

Cribbed from Sport Aviation.

Cowling on a slightly cobby C-75 powered example at Camarillo

Propeller Head Ed Sterba's plane, with son..

More shots cribbed from Sport Aviation or Monnet Brochures:
Prototype S-II and IIL in formation.
Same same S-IIL prototype, converted to tri-gear.
S-II (midwing) cutaway view from the plans.

Sonerai spinners tend to crack around the cutouts, so reinforce yours
before it happens to you. A reinforcing disk on the forward bulkhead is also
good insurance, and you MUST use a forward bulkhead.
Don Shipley from Florida sent me these pictures of the mighty pretty IIL he
recently bought:

A mini-Rv-3:

A project about 60% complete. The canopy frame is already fitted, that's
why there are two tubes along the cross members and the longerons.

This is a low wing, the turtledeck is 2 inches higher than the prototype.
The box behind the pilot's seat is for luggage and other light junk.

This exhaust is tuned to "1/2 Wave", egual length primaries, the
aluminum tray directs cooling air along the sump, which has been extended a
little for more capacity.

My (former) Project

Email Ryan